Activity 1
Teacher give to the students example of descriptive texts and tell to the other friends what point he/she get from the texts.
Descriptive Text
Read the text!
Coast Mirror
Mirror Beach is one district that is in the region Bedagai Serdang regency of North Sumatra Province and a famous tourist area. Mirror Beach geographically and administration located at position 20 57 "- 30 16" north latitude up to 980 33 "- 990 East Longitude. The boundaries of its territory:
North is bordered by the Strait of Malacca.
The south by the district Perbaungan.
The east by the Strait of Malacca / Sub Perbaungan.
The west is bordered by Deli Serdang regency.
Mirror Beach located on the east coast of Sumatra island facing the Straits of Malacca. Located 45 km from the city of Medan to Siantar (9 km from Simpang Tiga Perbaungan) from Sei Rampah (the capital of Serdang Bedagai) the distance is 25 km. Access to the Beach This mirror is very good. The road condition is quite wide and smoothly paved road to make this tourist area feels comfortable. The journey from Medan to Mirror Beach can be reached by car or motorbike with a time of 45 minutes. Starting from Simpang Three Perbaungan to the direction, guests will enjoy the coolness in the left and right because there are roads with plantations for palm oil and cacao crops. As one tourist beach in Lubukpakam, Mirror Beach has beautiful scenery and stunning white sand. Soft sand was like glass in addition to that, too, visitors can also enjoy seafood.
Activity 2
Teacher give some pictures of Cermin Beach and try to give their express opinions about that pictures.
Examples of expressed asking opinions :
1. What do you thing of ….?
2. Do you have any idea?
3. How do you like ….?
4. What’s your opinion?
5. Please give me your frank opinion.
Examples of expression to express their opinions :
1. In my opinion, …..
2. I personally believe ….
3. I personally think …..
4. To my mind ……
5. From my point of view …..
6. Well, personally …..
7. I personally feel
Pictures 1
Pictures 2
Teman2 ini punya saya Elly Mei FS, ntar lag sya edit...
lagi sakit malariaku kumat
mohon maklum ya... Thanks